Let me introduce myself

Hey, I'm Aleix and I am a graduate of Audiovisual Systems Engineering, branch of Telecommunications, of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and I am currently working as a Firmware Engineer. On this website, you will be able to see how do I spend my time and to get to know me a little bit. If you want to, you have at your disposal contact information with which you can get in touch with me.

In the section Projects you will find a small sample of projects I have done. And down below, you will find a brief summary of my education and knowledge.

Icona Experiència laboral. Font:  Symbolicons, iconfinder.com

Working experience

R&D Firmware Engineer
HP Printing and Computing Solutions S.L.U. 2021-Present.
LF Production department (Large Format Printers) at HP.

R&D Firmware Engineer Internship
HP Printing and Computing Solutions S.L.U. 2020-2021.
LF Production department (Large Format Printers) at HP. My main role was to design automated test systems for products in this department.

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Master's degree in Telecomunnications Engineering
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2021-2024.
Qualifying master's degree by the UOC which I am currently study complimentary to work.

Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 2017-2021.
Degree corresponding to the Telecommunications branch imparted by the Escola Superior d'Enginyeries Industrial, Aeroespacial i Audiovisual de Terrassa (ESEIAAT) passed with an average grade of 8.68 and obtaining various distinctions.
Award for the best academic record of the 2020-2021 class.

High School
IES Cap de Llevant. 2011-2017.
ESO completed through the "British Council" program, in which the 33% of its curriculum is taught in English. For this reason, I have an advanced level of English.
Scientific-technologic bachelorship modality.

Elementary and Professional Music Studies
Conservatori Professional de Música i Dansa de Menorca. 2007-2015.
Violin studies at the Conservatory, where I have finished the elementary studies and taken professional studies until the third year.

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Complementary Education

Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems
EIT Digital. March 2024. Credential ID: BVZLEPHGHGMR.
Course for embedded systems. It goes into detail on operating systems and their processing elements and architectures. In the practical side of the course, I worked with Contiki OS and Cooja.

Development of Real-Time Systems
EIT Digital. March 2024. Credential ID: LAGXNAVT85X9.
Complementary course to "Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems", which goes into more detail in the operation of the operating system in a real time system and the different schedulers that exist. In the practical side of the course, I worked with FreeRTOS.

Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
University of California, Irvine. September 2020. Credential ID: 76SHLUEQJEH4.
Introductory course to the Internet of Things, in which I learned about the different components that make up these devices, their impact on society, interaction between their software and hardware and different network protocols used in their communication.

Introduction to Web Development Course: HTML and CSS (2/2)
Google Actívate and Universitat d'Alacant. August 2020. Credential ID: 9US 7KP A3X.
Introductory course to the HTML markup language and CSS consisting of two parts. This second part is aimed to CSS and Web accessibility.

Introduction to Web Development Course: HTML and CSS (1/2)
Google Actívate and Universitat d'Alacant. July 2020. Credential ID: FLT YKU C44.
Introductory course to the HTML markup language and CSS consisting of two parts. This first part, consisting of HTML and its history.

Mobile Apps Development Course
Google Actívate and Universidad Complutense de Madrid. March 2020. Credential ID: CP8 UX2 HEJ.
Mobile app planning and development course for Android and iOS environments.

Cambridge Advanced English (C1)
Cambridge Assessment English. July 2020. Credential ID: B2755552.
Advanced English Certificate (CAE) obtained with a score of 196 on the Cambridge English Scale.

Dolby Atmos - Live TV Production Training: Core Concepts
Dolby Atmos and Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences. May 2019.
Course which provides audio professionals with knowledge related with the Dolby Atmos ecosystem.

I am a patient, committed, organized person with a great capacity for self-learning. I always try to see and understand everything from as many perspectives as possible, from a global one.

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Informatic knowledge

I have always been in contact with the world of computers. Since I was a kid, I started to learn by my own about computer tools and software. It is for this reason that I discovered at a very young age that I wanted to work in this field.

I find it very easy to learn how to use any software and operating system. In addition, I have experience with programming in different programming languages (especially with the ones listed down below), networks set-up with Linux and video, image and sound editing software.

Languages Operating Systems
C, C# and C++ Windows
Python Linux
HTML, CSS and Javascript

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Language Level
Catalan Native
Spanish Native
English Advanced (C1)

Social Media



All the content on this website, images and code included, are all of my authorship unless specified otherwise (inside the HTML code).